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 I know there is a thin line between reality and mirage
Somehow I want to dig deep into your heart
Maybe I would find the light that would light my path.
I wish I could google your life
Unfortunately you avoid networking with me
I'm walking myself up to the truth
But sadly you've built a wall around you.

I'm dying in curiosity
I'm losing concentration
The preacher said I should consecrate myself,
But loving you is not a sin, so I need not make any confession
And even if I have to, then it should be to you
Maybe I don't fully understand your body language
But each time  you smile, my heart is fully satisfied.

I'm tripping to your voice
I'm falling off every track I have of you
And I'm training myself daily to stay on track loving you.
I want to know your fears
I want to know what makes you cry
So I can differentiate between joyful and painful tears
I want to know what makes you smile too
So I can be it all and more.

I feel you've got a lot to say.
I feel your diary is filled with thoughts
Maybe with stories only you can tell.
I don't like fairy tales, but I wouldn't mind if  you tell it to me
Sadly you've fringed your true self behind dark shadows
All I see is blurred, and I'm here wondering if you are worth the wait - if you are worth the stay - if you see or even think of me.

Speak and I will listen
Call to me and I will give my undivided attention.
Only, don't keep mute.
For your silence is  just too loud.

Thanks for reading!
I will love to get a feedback from you.

IG:- _ruthgana
YouTube:- Ruth's Figments


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