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DILEMMA ( a short story )


I fell in love with Eric just few months after I gained admission into the university. Eric was tall and dark skinned, he was in his third year in the university. His eyes sparks in darkness, and he had a thick partly full hair, his look was one major reason why I said yes to him when he asked me out. We started dating with no intention of having sex, we loved each other so much that almost every student in school knew we were dating. 
One day I went to visit Eric at his apartment. His room was well decorated, furnished and his mattress was very big. We spoke and had fun together, then somehow out of the blues we made love to each other. He was my first, and it felt so intimate and rapturous. We didn't use any protection and I wasnt on any pill, we just had sex and that was it. After a month I missed my period. I thought it was something I could deal with until I missed my period the following month. I went to the clinic and laid a complain, then some tests were run on me and it came out positive to pregnancy. I was so confused, didn't know what to do, so I went to tell Eric about it. "Are you kidding me or what"? Eric reacted
"I'm serious Eric, I'm pregnant"
"How could you, what has come over you"?
I didn't understand why Eric sounded that way, but one could tell he didn't like the news. Eric told me he wasn't responsible, and I should abort the pregnancy if I knew what was good for me. I cried bitterly, my eyes were swollen. 
Few days after that I decided to go back home and broke the news to my parents. They were both angry. Dad would have strangled me if he hadn't controlled his anger and mum kept hitting me so hard. Finally, Dad decided I should keep the pregnancy." It's your shame not mine" he said.
"What of the useless boy that got you pregnant"? He asked
I told him that Eric denied the pregnancy. My dad wasn't surprise." I knew it, how will he accept to be responsible when he had eaten enough of you". I stayed back home until I had my child. It was a baby girl, and I named her Miriam. I went back to school after Miriam clocked a year and my mother helped to take care of her while I was in school. All through this period I never heard from Eric, he didn't even call me. 
When I resumed school, my mates where in their 3rd year while Eric was in his final year, and I had to continue from year two. It was devastating for me. people started suspecting something was wrong since they knew we were dating, and now Eric now moves around the campus with a new girl, his next prey I thought. I couldn't bear seeing Eric holding hands with his new girlfriend. It broke my heart but then I couldn't do anything. I tried to get him closer to me, at least to let him know I had a baby girl for him, but he pushed me away and denied ever having an affair with me. He humiliated me in front of his friends, his new girlfriend. I was in so much pain, so I decided never to hang out with any guy on campus not even my course mates. My life continued that way until I graduated and left the country to pursue my masters degree and PhD as suggested by my father, who wanted me to be great and successful in life. I returned after spending few years abroad. 
On a faithful Friday evening, my younger sister Tani came home with her fiancé. She had told me a lot about him, one could tell she really loved him so much. While I was in my room playing with Miriam, Tani came in and told me her husband to be was around. I quickly hopped out of bed, grabbed my kimono and followed her down the stairs. I didn't see his face as I walked down, he was busy staring at the family frame which we took few years back just before I left the country

" Eric, meet my sister" Tani said
The name ranged a bell in my head, the complexion was familiar too, and his hair although a bit low now Still looked thick and full. when Eric turned to face me, I was gripped with shock, it was the same Eric I dated back in school. I wasn't sure he recognized me, because he acted normal, like we've never met before, or maybe I looked so different that he couldn't recollect that I was the girl he used years ago. I tried to control my anger, I just couldn't ruin my sister's happy moment, so I gave a swift smile and acted cool.  Just then Miriam walked down too. "Good evening uncle", she said standing next to me.
"Hello, beautiful girl "
"Your daughter"? He asked
" Yes"! I proudly answered
He didn't ask any further question. I went back to my room devastated, after I begged to be excused. I didn't wish to see him again, not even as my sister’s fiancé. I was lost for words; my head was beginning to ache." What should I do? " 
I don't want to ruin my sister’s relationship, but then it would be worst if she found out later that her fiancé is the father of her little niece. I have to make a decision. I never had the intension of being united with Eric, but I can't just allow my sister get into something that would hurt her later in life. "Should I forget about it and act normal, or should i let my family know who Eric really his?"
This is a dilemma I have to face. I hope I make the right decision.
I really hope so.

 About the author
She's a  writer who finds pleasure in writing poems and short stories. Dilemma is one of her stories and more will be published soon.

If you enjoy this story, Kindly drop a comment.


  1. Replies
    1. Alright! Hopefully she's bold enough to let out the truth...Thanks for reading!


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