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The thought of you makes me restless
Like the waves
I find rest at your presence.
A flower I wish to behold.
If only I can see far,I wish to see you.
Your absence creates a void within me
A crack that sinks deep.
I may be wrong,maybe Right.
I dash to the wall,for your silent peels my flesh.
I struggle to pick the piece you left .
 I can mud a heap of love with our memories,
We could build a tower together,
We could even dive through the ocean.
With you, ulgly places become beautiful
And if it's still ugly then we make it beautiful.
I wish you were never hard to reach,
I could climb the hills to reach you,
To behold you in my arms.
But what are we now?
Your words are flying away
Your smiles flows away
Your face is fading off my mind.
"I wonder if WE still exist"
You fill the spaces in my heart,
Until you became scarce.
You made my world empty.
I thirst for you
For your smile,your laughter.
I hate to see you cry,
A chance to wipe those tears off your check,is all i ask
I wish to see you again
Even for a seconds,
Else I die waiting for you.
For Your Absence has become my pain..



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