Dear reader, I'm sure you're wondering why I'm writing to you on such short notice. I'm a person who believes time is running out. We live in a world filled with endless problems, yet we manage to navigate through with masks of fake smiles. I write to those like myself. You may not have endured the same trials as I have, and your story may be different in its own way. But know that comparing our problems won't diminish mine or justify yours. It's curious how we find hope in the tales of others. So, I hope you'll learn to let go and trust in God. I hope you'll forgive yourself and others who may have caused you pain and resentment. I hope you'll learn to live in the present and aspire to a brighter future. I hope you'll discern truth from deception when others attempt to mislead you. I hope you'll realize that true love begins with self-love before extending to others. I hope you'll embrace inner peace amidst life's...
I'm Ruth. I write to inspire to keep hope alive.