"Why can't love be made easier, he said?" "I love you, you love me". Words kept dripping down my friends heart, He was in love with the entire being of an African woman, She stole his heart, and maybe his attention too, He appraises her like a Queen and all he wants is to be her king The sunrise reminded him of her,and the sun set gets him ready to adore her My friend was in love with a woman who wasn't me, And like flames I saw the light in his eye, He was ready to soar like an eagle above the storm for her Like a dove he waited patiently for her, Trying to muddle her heart with His love, Night spent under the Banana leaves, Drinking from the dew and hoping she will say yes! How can I help such a heart willing to love? A heart full of acceptance. Then I realised love is a choice A choice that shouldn't be rushed, a choice that needs to be nurtured Either yes or No! I'm more happy For now my friend can love passionately, Without end For...
I'm Ruth. I write to inspire to keep hope alive.