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Showing posts from August, 2022


Welcome to my page where you find interesting piece. I'm so excited to share this heartwarming piece with you and I hope you will like it or even fall in love with it. Lol. Come read with me. My lover is in love with music He learned how to play the strings rather than play with a girls heart. But I'm his girl and  he plays me like the strings And I am the lyrics of his songs Music can be deceptively truthful and the words may be rainbows of lies But right in the oasis of love we lie side by side Singing about our flaws,and imperfections As he held the guitar and hit the strings He sang; I am a hopeful musician and miserable lover Trust me, when i say i sing to sleep And the birds songs calm my spirit My love language is music; don't freak out when I share my favourite list. I don't know how to argue,it irritating So bear with me when i sing in the middle of an argument,because I don't waste notes. You may not like the sound of the strings Or understand