AFRICA'S PLIGHT/AFRICA'S HOPE ****** I heard about a continent called Africa And I know it's surrounded by rivers flowing down the Atlantic Ocean From its adverse resources, the beautiful nature and scenery. From the heart of the Niger River, to the serene Murchison Falls in Uganda. Tales of masculine men walking through the Red Sea with their bare chests. I heard about the Sahara Desert, and its hotness. I heard about the Drums from West Africa, To the upbeat Swahili music in East Africa and the tales of Shaka Zulu. I heard about the war in Burundi. How blood was spilled just because of tribes. I heard about the judicial killings and turbulence in Kenya and Nigeria. I heard about racism, do Black lives really matter if we cant protect our own? Thanks to Nelson Mandela who fought to safe the black race. I heard about slave trade. How some colony of men felt safe enslaving the black race. I heard about the uproar in Libya. How kids handle g...
I'm Ruth. I write to inspire to keep hope alive.